DB Enumeration problem when unbond all and autonetwork
Bonded table has NADR and MID integer unique an it causes error when update:
14-04-2021 13:08:48.955342 INF 0 IqrfInfo.cpp:1496 iqrf::IqrfInfo::Imp::bondedInDb()
nadr="3" update Bonded: nadr="3" dis="1" mid="2165432537" enm="1"
14-04-2021 13:08:48.956342 WAR 0 IqrfInfo.cpp:1070 iqrf::IqrfInfo::Imp::fullEnum()
Caught sqlite_exception: constraint failed
Unexpected error to store enumerationnadr="3" code="19" ecode="2067" SQL="update Bonded set Dis = 1 , Mid = 2165432537, Enm = 1 where Nadr = 3;"